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Law Office of James M. Stanley Law Office of James M. Stanley
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What Makes an Injury Catastrophic?


Even though catastrophic injuries fall under the personal injury umbrella, these types of injuries are considerably different compared to other personal injuries. Generally, a catastrophic injury is an injury from which one cannot achieve a full recovery. Catastrophic injuries frequently require long-term medical care and at-home living assistance in severe cases. As such, the damages one can recover in a catastrophic injury claim are greater than what one would usually obtain in most other personal injury cases.

What Qualifies as a Catastrophic Injury?

There are several types of catastrophic injuries, which can impact a survivor’s life in a variety of ways, often rendering them unable to maintain gainful employment.

Here are some common examples of catastrophic injuries:

  • Severe burn injuries: Third-degree burns can result in serious infections, nerve damage, permanent disability, and disfigurement. In severe cases, a burn injury might even result in limb loss.
  • Traumatic brain injuries: Damage to the brain can result in lifelong cognitive difficulties, emotional problems, abnormal speech patterns, and a reduced ability to move one’s limbs.
  • Spinal cord injuries: A spinal cord injury can potentially result in complete or partial paralysis, spasms, respiratory issues, loss of bladder and bowel control, and chronic pain.
  • Traumatic amputation injuries: The loss of a limb is not only a painful injury to endure, but it can also create serious emotional challenges for a survivor.
  • Damaged internal organs: Internal bleeding and organ damage is life-threatening and can result in serious health complications for a survivor.

The Cost of a Catastrophic Injury

Catastrophic injuries involve greater damages compared to most other personal injury cases due to the costs associated with treating and caring for these life-altering conditions.

Here are some of the costs many catastrophic injury survivors must face:

  • Continued medical care
  • Emergency medical attention
  • At-home nursing care
  • Counseling
  • Physical therapy
  • Medication
  • Counseling
  • Lost wages and lost earning capacity
  • Retrofitting a home to accommodate the disability

In addition to the great financial burden a catastrophic injury places on a survivor, these types of injuries also come with a great emotional cost for which they can also be compensated. Pain and suffering, depression, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, and loss of consortium are all non-economic damages one can recover in a catastrophic injury case.

Schedule a Free Case Review with a Catastrophic Injury Attorney Today!

If you sustained catastrophic injuries as a result of another person’s negligence, do not postpone obtaining the legal assistance you need to obtain the compensation you need. At the Law Office of James M. Stanley, our catastrophic injury attorneys have over 35 years of collective legal experience and a dedication to providing clients with the fierce legal representation they deserve. Backed by a proven history of successful results, you can rely on us to hold the responsible party liable for their actions.

Reach out to our esteemed law firm today at (817) 591-4222 to schedule a free initial consultation with a trusted member of our team. We can meet you at your home or in the hospital if you are unable to come to our office.

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