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Common Dangers of Fall Driving


The fall season brings a lot of changes. Not only do the leaves become brown and the air becomes crisper, but the roads can also become more dangerous. Autumn weather is unpredictable, causing havoc for drivers in Texas and throughout the United States.

The following are the most common dangers of fall driving:

  • The increased presence of children – Besides taking the bus to school or getting dropped off by their parents, many children choose to ride their bicycles or walk. During the morning and afternoon, drivers need to be aware of increased pedestrian traffic now that school is back in session.
  • Rain – Oil, dust, rubber, and grime build up on the roads throughout the summer. As soon as it starts raining, the roads become even slicker. Hydroplaning often occurs since a layer of water builds between a vehicle’s wheels and the road surface, resulting in a loss of traction and steering difficulties, all recipes for a car accident.
  • Sun glare during rush hour – The fall also means experiencing sun glare while driving. When the sun is in front of drivers, it can affect their vision seconds after exposure, resulting in difficult seeing the vehicle in front of them, surrounding traffic and pedestrians. When the sun is behind, sunlight can reflect off the rearview mirror or traffic signals, blinding drivers for a split second.
  • Fog – Cool mornings often result in foggy weather, which limits your visibility or distance perception while driving. Fog is more commonplace in areas surrounded by trees, water, hills, or mountains.

So when driving during the fall season, drive slower when you encounter any one of the hazards listed above. Leave more space between you and the vehicle in front of you. Lastly, service your vehicle for the colder months and ensure your tires and windshield wipers are in great condition.

If you have suffered an injury in a car accident caused by a negligent driver, schedule a free consultation with our Fort Worth personal injury lawyer at the Law Office of James M. Stanley today.

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