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Inadequate Truck Maintenance in Fort Worth
We Are Backed By 35+ Years of Experience
Because commercial trucks are so large and carry so much cargo, they require a lot of things to go right in order for them to operate safely. This means they must undergo regular inspections and frequent preventative maintenance in order to continue to operate within an acceptable margin of risk. However, maintenance can get expensive, and it’s not unheard of for some trucking companies to try to save money and cut corners on their maintenance. This puts other drivers on the road with their trucks at risk of being injured should this maintenance cause a part to fail and a devastating trucking accident to occur.
At the Law Office of James M. Stanley, our team of Fort Worth inadequately maintained truck accident attorneys are dedicated to helping all our clients achieve the best possible solution to their cases. We understand that when our clients come to us, they’ve experienced a devastating injury that has greatly impacted their lives, and that they need help fighting for their rights. We are not afraid of insurance companies, and we strive to hold trucking companies accountable when they endanger other drivers by neglecting their duties. Since 1976, we have fought for justice on behalf of injured Texans and their families, and we are proud to offer you the same level of unwavering dedication to justice and exceptional client service when you have been hurt in a trucking accident.
Call the Law Office of James M. Stanley today at (817) 591-4222 and schedule your free initial consultation!
What Is Negligent Maintenance?
Trucks require their maintenance to be kept up or else the unmaintained parts could eventually fail, causing a serious accident. This is known as negligent maintenance, and you can use this negligence to hold the truck’s operator responsible for your injuries.
Some common sources of negligent maintenance on trucks include:
- Brakes
- Engine (oil changes, coolant, etc.)
- Safety equipment (lights, signals, etc.)
- Tires
When maintenance in one of these regards is neglected or an inspection missed, a truck’s risk for a serious accident rises dramatically. For example, if a truck driver decides to skip his usual inspection and fails to notice that one of his tires is low, the company that operates the truck could be held responsible for failing to properly maintain it. This means you could receive compensation for your injuries, including medical treatment, lost income, pain and suffering, mental anguish, and more!
Don’t hesitate to contact the Law Office of James M. Stanley online now and start reviewing your legal options!