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Why More Car Accidents Happen During the Summer

There’s a reason why many people look forward to summer. School is out, people are ready to take vacations, and the weather is often ripe for beach days and outdoor activities. However, along with the beautiful weather and the sunny skies, there is a significant risk of being involved in a car accident. While many people believe that they’re more likely to be in a collision during the winter months, the peak months for traffic accidents from year to year are July, August, and September, according to the NHTSA. The following are the most common reasons why car accidents happen more frequently in the summertime:
  • More teen drivers on the road – Now that high school and college is out for the summer, more young people are driving on the roads in the week compared to during the school year. This means there is a significant increase of inexperienced motorists driving on the roads for longer stretches at a time, which is a formula for disaster. In fact, the stretch from Memorial Day to Labor Day is known as “The 100 Deadliest Days” for teen drivers.
  • The summer heat can cause equipment malfunction – Engines in older cars are more likely to overheat and worn tires are more likely to experience a blowout, creating road hazards and increasing the chances of being involved in a crash.
  • More construction projects – Road maintenance peaks during the summer since construction crews are trying to get as much done while the weather is still warm. These projects create road hazards, making the street more congested and crowded. Many cars fail to adhere to traffic rules and don’t slow down in construction zones, putting construction workers and other drivers in danger.
  • More bicycles and pedestrians on the road – As more people are on vacation or enjoying the benefits of the beautiful weather, the roads get more congested. Crowded roads mean an increased chance for an accident if drivers aren’t too careful. Drivers have an obligation to yield to bicyclists and pedestrians on the side of the road or crossing the street.

Even when circumstances change and there are more obstacles on and near roads, drivers still have a responsibility to drive safely and prevent accidents by being alert and cautious. Car accidents can result in injuries that are considered more minor, like cuts and abrasions, sprains and fractures, whiplash, and broken bones, as well as catastrophic injuries like burns, spinal cord and neck injuries, and head and brain injuries.

Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean you can relax while driving. It’s important to not just follow road laws, but to also be aware of the careless and reckless behavior of drivers around you.

Supporting Crash Victims Since 1976

Car accidents are often serious and result in painful injuries as well as lasting trauma. Though it can be easy for victims to feel helpless and isolated after a wreck, the car accident attorneys at the Law Office of James M. Stanley are here to tell you that you’re not alone. Through our unwavering support and passion for justice, we can use our resources and legal experience to file a personal injury claim on your behalf and secure the financial compensation you need to recover. We’ve handled countless car accidents cases, from those involving multi-vehicle pileups to accidents caused by drunk driving. You can trust us to put our 40+ years of experience to work for you.

The Law Office of James M. Stanley offers free consultations when you call (817) 591-4222, or contact us online. We’ve helped numerous car accident victims heal from their wounds after an accident by holding negligent drivers accountable.

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