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Safety Tips for this Year's 4th of July


Fourth of July is the day Americans commemorate the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776 through celebrations in the form of barbecues, pool parties, fireworks, parades, and more. Unfortunately, it is also considered one of the most dangerous holidays due to the mix of sun, alcohol, and explosives. Whether you plan on celebrating at home or at other festivities, you can take certain steps to prevent accidents and injuries.

The following are several safety tips to following to have an injury-free Independence Day:

  • Fireworks - Fireworks is considered a staple when it comes to celebrating the Fourth of July. Although many people enjoy watching a professional fireworks display, many others choose to set off their own at home. Keep in mind that most fireworks accidents are the result of misuse, so be careful and follow the instructions. Keep a bucket of water or hose nearby in case of a fire or burn. Do not attempt to handle or re-light fireworks that do not fully ignite. Do not let young children handle their own fireworks, and maintain supervision at all times.
  • BBQ - The hot summer weather is the perfect time to go outdoors and fire up the grill to enjoy your favorite foods. If you’re not careful, however, barbecues can be quite dangerous. Keep children, animals, and anything flammable away from the grill while it’s warm. Be sure to shut off the flame when the grill isn’t being used.
  • Road safety - Over one-third of Independence Day traffic fatalities involve alcohol. If you choose to drink, have a designated driver or use Uber, taxis, or other forms of public transportation. When driving, keep an eye out for any erratic driving behavior. Avoid distractions while driving, such as cellphones. Obey the laws and keep seatbelts fastened at all times.
  • Water safety - If your holiday plans include fun in the swimming pool, ensure that everyone knows how to swim. Adults must actively supervise young children and stay within arm’s reach of them and newer swimmers. Make sure you have rescuing equipment nearby just in case of an emergency, unless a lifeguard is on duty.

If an accident occurs and someone is injured, what in a pool accident or on the road, it’s crucial that you seek medical treatment as soon as possible, and then call our legal team. Only a personal injury lawyer has the experience and resources to assess your accident and determine liability.

Supporting Accident Victims Since 1976

After an accident caused by recklessness or carelessness, you want to ensure that justice is served by hiring a personal injury law firm that has a long track record of success. With more than 40 years of dedication to injured clients and millions of dollars recovered, the Law Office of James M. Stanley is the right place to turn for trusted legal advocacy. Our team is here to provide you with a shoulder to lean on during a vulnerable and dark time, and we can recover damages that include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and property damage so you don’t have to worry about financial burdens.

The Law Office of James M. Stanley offers free consultations when you call (817) 591-4222, or contact us online. We offer a wide range of services so we can help you whether you were injured in a fire, trucking accident, pedestrian accident, or some other accident caused by negligence.

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