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Law Office of James M. Stanley Law Office of James M. Stanley
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4 Benefits of Contingency Fees


Many people who have suffered an injury in an accident often think twice about obtaining legal counsel. The cost of medical treatment and property damage repairs can take a substantial toll, especially if they are being forced to miss work. How can you pay for legal representation on top of all the other expenses?

Fortunately, people who do not have the resources to file a personal injury and wrongful death lawsuit in the U.S. can obtain legal counsel on a “contingent fee basis.” This means you only pay your lawyer when you win your case. If your lawyer is not able to recover any compensation, he/she doesn't receive any money.

The following are four benefits of contingency fees:

  • Victims who can't afford an attorney can still file a lawsuit – Personal injury victims often face insurance companies, who are backed by a team of skilled lawyers. So if you do not have the money to pay for legal counsel upfront, you don’t have to worry. You have the ability to choose which lawyer is most qualified to handle your case and not afraid to go up against powerful business or governmental entities. Additionally, attorneys will typically advance the expenses of litigation (i.e. filing fees, expert witnesses, accident reconstruction, travel costs, etc.).
  • Lawyers only get paid if they win the personal injury case – As we mentioned before, attorneys will not get paid if they lose the case, which is why they will do their best to ensure success is attainable. On the other hand, lawyers who get paid by the hour often take their time to accumulate more payment.
  • Lawyers only take cases they have a high chance of winning – Attorneys will not waste their time and effort on a case that lacks substantial merit.
  • Victims can solely focus on their recovery – Without worrying about how you can afford experienced legal representation, all you need to be concerned about is getting better and being able to return to work.

At the Law Office of James M. Stanley, we offer our legal services on a contingent fee basis. When we say nothing comes out of your pocket, we absolutely mean it. Do not wait to take legal action and let our Fort Worth personal injury attorney fight for you.

For more information about our contingency fees, contact us and schedule a free consultation today.

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